The Head of the Family Court has today aired a rare interview to the BBC.
There are things in this interview, for fathers/non custodial parents, to take heart from.
Sir Andrew McFarlane has been open and honest about the failings of the court and quite graphically illustrated them. It’s important for the public to know that the court system is not deliberately neglecting or finding against any of the parties in a Child Arrangements proceeding.
The interview is quite possibly an oblique attack upon the Tory government which has been in power far too long and has imposed appalling cuts on the civil service. McFarlane can’t solve it because he has no powers to impose the sorely needed structural changes - more and better judges, better clerks, more courts etc. Sir James Munby his predecessor couldn’t do it either.
It’s a Barrack Obama type situation to be quite honest which doesn’t help the public exactly in practise, but at least it’s comforting to know that the Family Court is not so arrogant to believe that it is sailing happily along in good shape when it so palpably isn’t.
Link to BBC article: